When working in the hospitality industry, security officers and emergency response officers will come into regular contact with patrons consuming alcohol. In order to monitor alcohol consumption safely, officers need to understand the concept of a standard drink.

One standard alcoholic drink is defined as a beverage that contains 10 grams of pure alcohol. The pure alcohol element of every alcoholic drink is a substance called ethyl or ethanol. It’s presence is what defines an alcoholic drink, however the tricky part is that it occurs in different concentrations in every kind.

The formula for calculating standard drinks is:

Volume of container in litres


The percentage of alcohol volume


0.789 (0.789 is the specific gravity of ethyl alcohol)


The number of standard drinks

The standard size of drinks is more often than not very different to the size in which they are served in hotels, bars and restaurants. This can make it even more difficult for people to manage their consumption responsibly.

The following is a rough guide only to standard drinks based on variety. It is near impossible to judge any drink accurately as every variety has a different percentage of alcohol.

  • One pot (285 ml) of full strength beer
  • 100 ml of sparkling wine
  • 100 ml of red or white wine
  • 60ml glass fortified wine
  • 30ml nip of spirits


Diamond Protection Pty Ltd (Diamond) is a leading provider of security, emergency and training services. Established in 1995, this Australian owned and operated company is committed to leading the way – to be the standard of excellence. Diamond operates an internationally certified Integrated Management System (IMS) incorporating ISO accreditation for Quality (ISO 9001:2008), Occupational Health & Safety (AS/NZS 4801 & OHSAS18001:2007) and Environmental Management (ISO 14001:2004) Systems. The company has placed significant importance in continual improvement and commitment to the community and environment.

Diamond works closely with clients throughout Australia and beyond to provide security audits, security guards / officers, patrols, risk management, emergency service officers, safety officers, life support and nationally recognised training courses in partnership with Australian government and private Registered Training Organisations.

Visit our website at www.diamondprotection.com, call our team on 1300 669 155 or email: info@diamondprotection.com to outline your specific requirements.