You will come across situations in during your careers in the Emergency and Security industries that will require you to deal with aggressive people. These people may be upset, protective, scared or intoxicated by drugs or alcohol. In any case it is important that the aggression presented is not denied or repressed. Acknowledging anger is an essential element of dealing with such situations and ensuring that said anger does not escalate.
There are certain tactics you should get accustomed to using in order to handle aggression.
Remain calm
Keeping your cool will give you a stronger ability to react accordingly.
Keep bystanders safe
Be sure that patrons are not at risk by keeping them at a safe distance, even if this means ejecting them from the premises.
Acknowledge timing
The early stages of aggression are the most dangerous, therefore if you can, allow the individual to express themselves and blow off some steam.
Remove potential weapons
Remove anything from the situation that might be a potential weapon or infringe on the safety of anyone present, including yourself.
Be careful of your language
Do not use condescending, patronising or threatening language. Be calm, and try to empathise with some element of their predicament. Exploit the cause of their anger by relating to them. This may help to calm them down.
Give them space
Always keep your distance from the person. You cannot be sure how they will act or what they are capable of in this state.
As in all situations, the safety of patrons and of yourself comes first.
Diamond Protection Pty Ltd (Diamond) is a leading provider of security, emergency and training services. Established in 1995, this Australian owned and operated company is committed to leading the way – to be the standard of excellence. Diamond operates an internationally certified Integrated Management System (IMS) incorporating ISO accreditation for Quality (ISO 9001:2008), Occupational Health & Safety (AS/NZS 4801 & OHSAS18001:2007) and Environmental Management (ISO 14001:2004) Systems. The company has placed significant importance in continual improvement and commitment to the community and environment.
Diamond works closely with clients throughout Australia and beyond to provide security audits, security guards / officers, patrols, risk management, emergency service officers, safety officers, life support and nationally recognised training courses in partnership with Australian government and private Registered Training Organisations.
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