While monitoring points of entry to licensed venues, you may come across a person presenting with a fake ID. This may mean that the person is underage or they are simply not who they are claiming to be. It may turn out that the ID document presented has in fact been fraudulently tampered with or altered.

Section 127 of the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 states that a licensee or authorised security guard may seize a proof of age document if they are satisfied that the document is fraudulent.

By seizing the document, and not simply denying the patron entry and turning them away, the document can be passed onto authorities. If necessary a proper investigation into the matter can then be conducted by the police.


Diamond Protection Pty Ltd (Diamond) is a leading provider of security, emergency and training services. Established in 1995, this Australian owned and operated company is committed to leading the way – to be the standard of excellence. Diamond operates an internationally certified Integrated Management System (IMS) incorporating ISO accreditation for Quality (ISO 9001:2008), Occupational Health & Safety (AS/NZS 4801 & OHSAS18001:2007) and Environmental Management (ISO 14001:2004) Systems. The company has placed significant importance in continual improvement and commitment to the community and environment.

Diamond works closely with clients throughout Australia and beyond to provide security audits, security guards / officers, patrols, risk management, emergency service officers, safety officers, life support and nationally recognised training courses in partnership with Australian government and private Registered Training Organisations.

Visit our website at www.diamondprotection.com, call our team on 1300 669 155 or email: info@diamondprotection.com to outline your specific requirements.